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Little one, you are so loved. You are so much more than you give yourself credit for. A divine channel from my guides for this time.

This is something that I channeled a few years ago, when I had started to open up to my divine connection. Maybe you would like to read what came through. My hand was moving so fast, I barely could keep up and the handwriting was quite bad! It lasted about one hour and would have gone on, if I hadn't had to stop and go and pick up the kids from school.

Hello dear one! Here we are, you thought we wouldn't be maybe? The doubt is still there, but you can trust that you just call on us and we will respond. You really should make it a habit you know, all the divine support is here, just call on it and TRUST we will be here as always, helping you, nudging you, showing you signs and guiding you. Through your feelings and emotions, that is how we can get through. It really isn't difficult my dear, you just aren't taught how to, instead you're lead to believe that is somehow inferior, "only imagination" and therefore useless and unreal. Nothing could be more wrong. This is if you will, the Real Deal. We're happy you're tapping into it now. It hasn't doesn't need to be some great special event, it can be small messages, gut feelings, synchronicities showing up, even your manifestations are speeding up - isn't that exciting?

woman on a beach experiencing serenity and divine connection
Connecting to my divine guidance has given me deep peace

We greet you and tell you "remind you" how you're so deeply loved and supported. The feeling of being alone is just an illusion. Just look at how there are communities forming all over the world of lightworkers joining together- That is so exciting as you won't feel alone in your feelings of "woo-woo" as like-minded souls are gathering to support each other and the whole world to transition into higher realms of consciousness. You are so needed on this planet at this time. And it was why you chose to reincarnate here at this determinate moment of time to shift the whole planet, help in forming a lightgrid all over, to awaken humanity, bring forth a new world, more compassionate, more loving, respectful of all life.

Because life is sacred, the breath that breathes you is holy, it is pure life force. Remember to breathe - it is your transmutation station. Breathe deeply and exhale with a sound to instantly relax into yourself and allow for us to get through your monkey mind, ever chattering on and on with your endless to-do-lists and chores and have-to's. There really are no musts, you put them on yourself. Realize that, in all moments we have choice. We are sovereign beings and we are all becoming more aligned to our inner truth. The higher consciousness is helping to transition the rest of humanity. 

Intuition is your superpower, tap into yourself, your body and really listen. How does it feel in your body? Any aches, pains or other discomforts? They can tell you a story and will reveal the root cause if you only listen and feel. You need to trust the inner soft voice, at first it's not so loud, but it IS there. Take a moment and calm down.Stop. Feel. Breathe. Let yourself be the hollow bone through which Spirit can work. That is so beautiful and we can feel your emotions stirring. Your logical mind will always belittle your intuition, but when you start listening, you can't go back to the old way. You wouldn't return your newfound treasure, in exchange of carbon now, would you? Right, thought so!

You need to remember to call on us, ask us questions, be open and really take a moment each day to tap into the flow, to connect with us, your guides and angels. We are here with you. We help you on the way, but remember you are in charge! You ask the questions. You decide everything in every moment. No one can force you into anything, even if it might not look or feel like it at this time. 

Times are changing and as you can be and live in a constant state of higher consciousness at all times, a state of unconditional love and compassion for all, including yourself, which really is key to deep transformation, not only personally, but globally. When we recognize the eternal soul inside each of us, the small child that only wants and craves love, we really can be and communicate in oneness and we can make a change in this world as we know it. 

Don't let the despair and seemingly dark forces that are controlling "seemingly" the world, don't let those feelings take over and overwhelm you. Remember you, shining your light, will transform, transmutate the lower vibrations on this earth. Shine your light as you've been doing and TRUST, have FAITH that it's really working its magic. It's real, it's not imagination, even if our imagination is far more powerful than we are lead to believe. 

We wish that you will continue tapping into the limitless supply of wisdom and love that resides within you and is the fabric of this universe. With these new times, we will move into being more and more intuitive. People and things that are not honest will have more difficulties getting to us, as we become more and more aligned, we can spot a lie from FAR away and no one can misguide us from our truth. It is not possible. When you're connected to your divine, you're unstoppable and you have all this genius dormant inside you, all those gifts, waiting to be shared. 

Don't be afraid, dear one.

And please start painting, drawing, writing and singing, creating more. Don't hold back your divine force! It is so needed. Trust that you wouldn't have the desire if it wasn't meant to be. You will also find your tribe, just open and allow, don't be afraid. You decide your boundaries, there is nothing wrong with saying no or speaking up, when you're not comfortable. Do it lovingly, not from a place of reaction, but from respect. Respect for yourself and for the other. 

When you're aligned and filled up with divine light you become invincible. Trust that divine inspiration will flow to you even more. Little one, you are so much more than you give yourself credit for. Don't compare, don't be afraid. If you decide to make a drastic decision, trust your gut instinct and intuition, that the universe really has your back even when things look dark. Before dawn breaks, you have to get through the dark night. 

There is so much hope and excitement to be had for the new world and rising levels of consciousness that we are beginning to tap into in these strange times on our beloved Mother Earth. You always have been connected to nature, don't lose that ever. Nature can heal you, only being outside, grounding barefoot, soaking in the sun, smelling the soft breeze. You all know this to be true. Take more time for being in nature. 

You are so deeply loved. We love you, we love you, we love you.

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