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Inspiration, Healing, Transformation

Singing Bowl
Singing Bowl

Energy Healing, Clearing & Spiritual Life Coaching


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Energy Clearing 30€

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Hello Beautiful Soul!

So nice to meet you.


I'm Tua Kunnas, a student of life and the universe, your guide on our collective journey of awakening to our true power and purpose in this lifetime.


Through my own life struggles, I set out on a deep exploration, a healing journey about ten years ago. Or really, I have been on this path forever! I explored nutrition, functional and natural medicine, detoxing, acupuncture, you name it - but I always felt there was something missing.


The secret sauce was energy medicine, and the emotional expressions that lie beneath all experiences. When I started healing my emotions, blocks, false beliefs and programming, my life started getting better on all levels. 


I have explored many modalities, meditation, yoga, qi gong, reiki, EFT, sound healing, energy clearing, shamanism, crystals, Ho'oponopono, Feng Shui, channeling, LoA, numerology etc. I am certified in some of these. I enjoy learning and as I continue growing, I feel I have so much to share!


I am called to step up and heal the world, and unite us in oneness, in loving compassion as the divine sparks of creator that we all are. I acknowledge that I'm also a work in progress. As an introvert, empath and a recovering procrastinating perfectionist I am stepping out into the big unknown!



I'm passionate to share and guide you on your journey stepping forward into the future. Shine your light! Trust yourself. You've got it!

Let's create and be the change we wish to see in the world.

Image by Chris Linnett

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